my morning spare time
I had to do so many things this morning beside my normal routine. I had to wash the cats wound, I had to clean my fingers from excess nail polish and things like that. And I also miscalculated the time so the last few minutes were really stressful, but I made it, and then my mother says: "Didn't you want to ride with me?" Like, what? When did she offer me a ride? But of course I accepted it once I'd heard it and now I have nothing to do. I've petted my cat for a while, and now I'm writing here, but it won't do. I still have quite a lot of time to do absolutely nothing on. In this case, I'm not sure that's a good thing. I could have slept way longer than I did!
Okay, I'm not going to complain, I am getting a ride to school. I feel that's quite a luxury. Not to everyone, but to me.