
It wasn't as hard as I thought, getting up at 5.30. Afterwards, I skipped school (which you really shouldn't do!) and headed in to the city. And I got to meet my trainers son! He's like a few months and really tiny and he was sleeping the whole time. My trainer said he looks just like he looked at that age. But don't parents always say that?

And I'm getting ready for practice, it's just that I actually have this school thing I should attend. Some lady's going to talk about her expedition to Arctic and the life of polar bears ore something. But I can't go, cause I don't feel too well and I think that I will feel a lot better going to practice than going to school, and I have to prioritize my health.

After today I have a lot of studying to catch up, and It's overwhelming. I feel tired just thinking of it. But I'll take the train ride to relax with my book. I couldn't read it on my way home because it was so sad and I started crying, something I don't like doing on a train filled with people.



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