Caroline -

The room is FINITO!

It's done! I'm quite happy, even though I did nothing like I planned it. I did take some pictures.

The bed ended up being like it was when I first got it, insted of standing in the opposite corner.  

This is where the bed used to be. But I like it this way.

I organized my bookshelf, it's amazing how bad I've been feeling over how ugly it used to be. I threw out a lot of books and now I only have approved books.

The original plan was to move my desk, but it's attached to the wall and it's position isn't that bad so I just cleaned it.

In case you wondered about the stuffed animals under the desk it's just an idea I got from an interior design magazine, where she had this really cozy rug to have her feet on. I did the same but with my lions and my leopard rug.

I got jealous of my sisters pictures that her friend drew her so I put two pictures on the wall, one that I've drawn myself and one of Elisabeth Taylor. The pictures a bit blurry but you'll have to excuse me!

The only thing I feel is missing, is a long- pile rug, right there on the floor. I'm hoping for a trip to IKEA soon.

I hope you like it, I know I do. And now I have to spend an hour or so studying. In this world there's no time to rest. Hope to see you soon!


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