Thank god it's friday!

I spent 6 hours at the golf course today, but I didn't play. I was caddie for my dad. I thought that it's a nice way to repay him for things. And I put on sun screen literally all the time! But I still managed to get burned. Amazing. And I thought this morning that the day would be really bad, cause I was so clumsy - or maybe it was just bad luck. It started with me poking my self in the eye while drying my hair after taking a shower. And I poked quite hard so it hurt really bad. Then I hit my head in the ceiling - you know I have a tilted ceiling (whatever you call it in English). And then I hit my toe, and a few minutes later I step on a branch that my dog left right outside the door. Stupid morning.

But I'm quite happy anyway, there was no more misfortunes this day, if you don't count my burned skin, that is...


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