
I'm so freaking tired! I'm in Landskrona playing golf and I haven't gotten much sleep the last two days. Not that I usually do nowadays going to bed at 00.30 but... Yesterday we got up at 3.30 to make it down here in time and even though I went to bed early and slept a little in the car I was still, not surprisingly, tired. This morning we got up at six, to go out jogging. It was kind of nice starting the day like that, but I am way too hungry to do that really. Now, we didn't run very fast or long, just about 15 minutes so maybe 3 km.

Well, I guess that I'll, at ten o'clock, go to bed so that maybe I won't spend the whole tomorrow yawning. Maybe, If I'm lucky maybe I can sleep a little longer, cause I'm not playing until the afternoon.



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