Lonely People
Listening to the song by Jars of Clay. It's nice.
Did the work, but my mother just informed me that I missed some papers that were hidden in a plastic bad ^^ But I'll just do them tomorrow. It didn't take at all as long as I thought it would. The bunch that I actually did took me almost two hours, so it wasn't bad at all. And it's not a lot paper left, maybe an hour. So that's three hours to get paid for! Woho!
Did the work, but my mother just informed me that I missed some papers that were hidden in a plastic bad ^^ But I'll just do them tomorrow. It didn't take at all as long as I thought it would. The bunch that I actually did took me almost two hours, so it wasn't bad at all. And it's not a lot paper left, maybe an hour. So that's three hours to get paid for! Woho!