Third time's a charm

I know have my drivers licsense! Woho! So I'm extremely happy at the moment, that was seriously the worst thing I've ever done in my entire life. I've never ever been so nervous before. My legs were shaking when I stood still by red lights and such, and a lot too!

But now I'm done with it, thank god! Never again, a tip: Make it the first time, cause it's horrible doing a re-test.

It's the proof that I passed =) (A picture for once, eh?)

Posted by: Jossan

Haha Yay!!! :D Your a good driver too ;) You are the best parker(carparker?) ever! xD Hahaha<3

2010-01-15 @ 16:21:11
URL: http://vehemence.blogg.se/
Posted by: CARRO

Haha, I know! Parking is my strength =D

2010-01-15 @ 20:10:42
URL: http://versatility.blogg.se/

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